First Captain's Company,
The Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Foote

Pictures from the Calavaras County Celtic Faire,
March 13-14, 1999

Entrance page Photo Links Celtic Faire Photos
Various shots of the Army of the Marquis of Montrose, Artillery.

Dale Shinn and the other members of his Royalist Scots Artillery unit at the Celtic Faire, 1999. Additional participants include me (in the buffcoat), Mary, Anthony, and Sara-Bob (crossdressed).

Scots supporting Charles II before his defeat at Worcester

Camp on the hill

Dale showing some match- and wheel-locks

Barber-Surgeon's tools - "Cupping, anyone?"

Thorne goes first - I'm expendable...

Leather cannon speaks...and car alarms answer!

Musket drill with Anthony


Sara-Bob & Mary

The leather cannon

The First Captain of the Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Foote, Army of Parliament, invites all interested Soldiers and Women to join his Company. Subscribe to our mailing list for information about California English Civil War events.