First Captain's Company,
The Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Foote

 Calaveras Celtic Faire 2000

Entrance page Calaveras Celtic Faire 2000 Pics Matchlock Photos Photo Links

We camped with Dale Shinn's Scots Royalist Artillery
and our encampment was often crowded with people asking how the cannon and matchlocks worked.
Redcoated Parlimentarians included Carl, Doug , Patti, Ace, Ellison, and young "Bob"; Mary-Ellin cooked wonderfully!

Dale's leather cannon was always popular

Royalists quaffing ale and plotting

The encampment

Hot and sunny weather made the shade attractive

The Barber-Surgeon did little business

Ace in the marquee

Matchlocks on display

Thorne's new marquee

Parliamentarians posing & Ellison's new pike

A captured Royalist!

The First Captain of the Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Foote, Army of Parliament, invites all interested Soldiers and Women to join his Company. Subscribe to our mailing list for information about California English Civil War events.