First Captain's Company,
The Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Foote

 Livermore Rendezvous March 11-12 2000

Entrance page Livermore Rendezvous Pics Matchlock Photos Photo Links

Captain Gray's Co'y made a hit at the Rendezvous

A lot of the buckskinners & Mountain men had never seen a matchlock before,
so our encampment was often crowded with people asking how they worked.
Carl, Doug and I competed in the Trailwalk shoot and loaded from our Apostles to everyone's astonishment.
Company members attending were:
File Leader & Musketeer Thorne, Musketeer Carl "Crossbow",
Musketeer Coronado, CampFrau Cindy, Musketeer Patti,
Artilleryman The MacKee (and cannon), and our lone Pikeman Ellison Dunlap.

Wayne and Peter (Chabot Rangemasters) with Carl

Cindy in front of my new Panther Primitives tent

Carl and Doug load up

Ellison - our one-man pike block!

The Centerpole design attracted a lot of attention!

The Cannon Shoot

Artillery Crew

The target's WHERE?

Ron fires

Thorne and Crossbow

Ian Garrot - Puritan


Give Fire!

The First Captain of the Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Foote, Army of Parliament, invites all interested Soldiers and Women to join his Company. Subscribe to our mailing list for information about California English Civil War events.