I took a long weekend and visited Eureka, the Trinity Alps and Mt. Lassen. Morgan's Companie had a forging party Saturday night, and I slept in the 17th C style tavern next to the forge. It rained so I drove over 299 to Lewiston Resevoir and had a lovely row around - sorry no pics. Spent the night with friends Lenny and Paula in Palo Cedro, then Lenny and I drove up to Butte Lake above Mt. Lassen and had a great sail.
Lenny and I had a gazillion short tacks to get to the head of the lake and one long downwind ride back. Managed to avoid the volcanic lava rocks lurking just underneath the surface in some places, great weather and good winds.
We landed at the south end of the Lake (the head) and had lunch, then got stuck in the mud tring to wade around the end to the inlet. Lot of deer and heron tracks everywhere.