Sally loafing along at Korth's Pirates Lair. (not my photo)
A nice phot of me sailing into Three River
Reach - it was in the high 90's with not much wind. (not my photo) |
And the raftup at Hog Island around the scow
schooner Alma. (not my photo) |
Sally loafing along at Korth's Pirates Lair. (not my photo) |
This is Anne, a Bud Mackintosh sloop rigged as a yawl. (not my photo) |
The Captain's Meeting at Eddo's the night
before leaving. |
The covered docks at Eddo's |
Safely arrived at Korth's Pirate Lair - we had strong winds and big swells on the San Joaquin River. |
The docks at Korth's |
Sailing South from Korth's toward Devil's Isle. |
Looking aft. You can see it was a great
downwind ride. |
The Alma approaches the docks at Devil's Isle. |
Lots of room at these private docks, but very
little "Isle" above high tide. |
Bigger boats at Devil's Isle. |
Sailing down to Hog Island.
A quick break on the beach across from Hog
Island. Black "asphalt" lumps are Delta peat. |
The Alma sails grandly past on her way to round
the far end of Hog Island into the achorage. |
Raft-up at Hog Island which has no docks. |
Raft-up at Hog Island |
Me at the controls of a wrecked barge on Hog
Island. |
Trading tacks with John Muir in his Whitehall on
the way to Three River Reach.
Three Mile Reach as a nice anchorage and
low-tide beach. |
Dinner on board the Alma. |
Making music on the Alma. |
Early moring at Three River Reach.
My tent on the beach at Three Mile Reach. |
Nearly all the small boats got a tow back
towards Eddo's on the final windless day. |
Heading back to Eddo's. |
The tug Telco towing a string of small boats.
The Telco wasn't the only boat playing tug. |
We had a tiny bit of wind near the San Joaquin,
so I cast off and sailed the last bit. |